Thursday, August 13, 2009

Top 3: JACON '09 Cosplay Pics

Here are a few pics from my first convention, JACON '09. These are just some of the best cosplay ones:

Uquiorra from Bleach: One of my favorite Arrancar...anyways, this cosplayer did a very good job staying in character by NOT smiling or showing any emotion at all. An inexperienced cosplayer wouldn't have been able to pull that off! Though you probably can't notice it from this pic, I think that if this cosplayer had made her skin just a little paler (since her character is very pale), it would have been perfect...

Shikimaru from Naruto: Good work on the costume, but what really stood out was his prop...the shadow underneath him! Sure, we can't actually control our shadows to stretch like that, but that prop makes it look like it's possible!

Aeris from Final Fantasy VII: Can't have a con without a Final Fantasy character...well, you could...but it doesn't happen!

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